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Denville Basketball
Denville Basketball offers the youth of Denville an opportunity to have fun and learn about the game of Basketball. We have programs for Grades 1 - 12.
Co-ed Clinic (Grades 1 and 2): The clinic allows 1st and 2nd Graders to begin to learn the game in a fun clinic format. We make small "teams" and focus on teaching the players the fundamentals of the game including teamwork. As the season progresses we introduce scrimmages with a focus on having fun and making sure every play gets involved. The clinic starts in January and runs through the end of February on Saturdays only.
Recreation Basketball (Grades 3 - 8): Boys and Girls will play in different divisions and continue to learn the skills of Basketball including learning how to execute "plays" and play competitive games. Practices start in December, games start in January after Winter break and run through early March.
Grades 3 / 4 Boys and Grades 3 - 5 Girls: Play 5 v 5 semi-competitive games with a focus on continuing to learn the fundamentals of the game. They will practice once a week for an hour and play one game a week. There are no playoffs in this division.
Grades 5/6 and 7/8 Boys and Grades 6 - 8 Girls: Play 5 v 5 competitive games with playoffs at the end of the season. They will practice once a week for an hour and play one game a week.
High School Boys: (Grades 9 - 12) The boys select and coach their own teams. Games are played on Friday nights and there are playoffs at the end of the Season. Students who attend in district High Schools (MKHS, MHHS, MCHS and MCST) and students who reside in Denville are eligible. A limit of two players from School basketball teams are eligible to play on the same team.
Travel Teams (Grades 4 - 8): This allows for more competitive play. The teams will travel and play other towns. Tryouts are in late September and early October and season can run into the beginning of March. There are usually 2 - 3 practices per week and during the season 1 - 2 games per week.